Richard J. McElhinney
BE(hon), MIEAust, CPEng
Chairman Founders Forum, CEO Sunshine Hydro, Director, Mechpart
Born in Sydney in 1955, Rick McElhinney lived his younger days in Dubbo in midwestern NSW. At 1970 he and his family moved to Coffs Harbour on the central NSW coast. He received a metalurgy scolarhsip with BHP in 1974 and received an honors degree in Civil/Structural Engineering from Newcastle University in 1978.
Working initially with Sinclair Knight Mertz in Sydney and Newcastle, Rick and his wife moved to Victoria, British Columbia in Canada in 1981 to work for Swan Wooster Engineering. Rick became involved as on-site Project Scheduler with the Ridley Island coal loading facility in Prince Rupert some 600 miles north of Vancouver and 40 miles south of the Alaska panhandle. He set up and managed the regional office until 1984.
Always involved in the computer side of engineering, Rick purchased, in 1982, the 4th IBM PC delivered to Canada. With this new tool Rick developed a number of engineering related software packages that were eventually sold throughout the world. With a Canadian partner a software company was founded in early 1984.
Later in 1984, Rick relocated his family and business to Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he became involved in developing engineering software to manufacturers in the Midwest region of the USA.
The company was taken public in 1987 and became well known for providing computer solutions to engineering companies within the region. The company provided engineering software, training, consulting and custom software development services to over 3,500 aerospace, automotive, medical and manufacturing companies with operations in the Midwest. During his time in the US, Rick authored “Using AutoCAD” for Que Publishing Corporation, a division of McMillan Publishing, for distribution by the B. Dalton Book Stores. He also authored articles for CAE Magazine, Desktop Engineering and Computer Reseller News. He was speaker at such events as PC Expo, Society of Manufacturing Engineers meetings, company technology days, University programs and Apple Developer conferences. He has participated in the Entrepreneurship & New Ventures program for the Griffith University, Graduate School of Management and was featured in the Bond University MBA Program, "Business Breakthrough Video Series".
Rick has held board positions in manufacturing and technology companies within the US. He is a co-founder of Unlimited Plastics Technology, Inc., a specialist in the engineering design and analysis of high technology plastics components. He was an active member of the University of Toledo Manufacturing and Technology Advisory Board between 1989 and 1993, and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers between 1985 and 2000. He has been a senior member of the Institute of Engineers, Australia since 1978. He is a member of the Bond University Smart Enterprise Research Advisory Committee and the Gold Coast City Council, Regional Economic Development Corporate Advisory Committee.
Since returning to Australia, Rick has invested in and provided advisory services to a number of manufacturing and IT corporations. He was involved in establishing and currently chairs Founders Forum Limited. The Founders Forum is a network of business angels who syndicate their efforts in assisting start-up companies through investment and mentoring. Rick is involved as an equity partner and maintains various levels of involvement including investor, CEO, chairman, director and advisor roles in a number of companies. These companies include Sinotech Media, Eduss Broadcast & Media, Inc., Grassads Pty Ltd, Cheeta International Pty Ltd, Eduss Asia Pacific Ltd., Seasafe Pty Ltd., ZVino Pty Ltd., Hydrokinetics, Pty Ltd, CarbonLink Pty Ltd, Angels Institute Pty Ltd., Voxsol Energy Pty Ltd, Australian Biorefining Pty Ltd., Hotshed Limited, Ubaryon Pty Ltd, Gogotech, Inc., KOKO Matrix and Sunshine Hydro Pty Ltd
Rick is CEO of Sunshine Hydro. Sunshine Hydro's AESOP technology is used to generate highly efficient and cost-effective deep energy storage superhybrid projects.
During the period from 2007 and 2008 Rick co-authored the book "Commercialising Innovation", which is a concise guide for entrepreneurs, mentors and angel investors.
Rick plays an active role in youth programs on the Gold Coast, with 7 years in director roles for the Coomera Valley Rotary Club and as a member of the Coomera-Oxenford Community Youth Centre Management Committee 2003-2021. Rick was awarded a Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow in recognition of his efforts in the formation of the Coomera-Oxenford Community Youth Centre.